Related Degree Programs in Social Work, Counseling, Public Health, and Human Services

In addition to master’s in social work programs, there are several degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels that can help prepare students for varying careers in the field of social work, counseling, social justice, and/or human services. These programs range from other degrees in social work, including Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) and Doctorate of Social Work (DSW) programs, to master’s in public health degree programs (MPH), master’s in human services programs (MHS), or master’s in counseling programs (including school counseling and marriage and family therapy programs).

While many of these programs may include courses that overlap with the curricula of Master of Social Work (MSW) programs, they are inherently different degree programs that prepare students for different career paths. Therefore, it is important for students to understand the differences between these programs and MSW programs, so that they can identify the types of degree programs that will best help them achieve their career goals.

The following pages outline the typical curricula, admission requirements, career options, and other relevant information about programs ranging from master’s in counseling programs to MPH programs. While the majority of the related degrees profiled below are master’s programs, there are also pages for both BSW and DSW programs. Each page also includes information about online programs for students interested in earning their degree online.

At this time, does not contain a comprehensive directory of these related degree programs. In addition, with the exception of BSW programs, these programs are not accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) and, therefore, do not prepare students for social work licensure.

Undergraduate Degree Programs:

​Master's Degree Programs:

​Doctorate Degree Programs: